Esophageal Manometry
Mechanical Ventilation Guided by Esophageal Pressure in Acute Lung Injury (NEJM) (2008)
Esophageal and transpulmonary pressures in acute respiratory failure (CCM) (2008)
The Esophageal Pressure-Guided Ventilation 2 (EPVent2) trial protocol: a multicenter, randomized clinical trial of mechanical ventilation guided by transpulmonary pressure (BMJ) (2014)
Esophageal Manometry and Regional Transpulmonary Pressure in Lung Injury (Blue Journal) (2017)
Early Inspiratory Effort Assessment by Esophageal Manometry Predicts Noninvasive Ventilation Outcome in De Novo Respiratory Failure. A Pilot Study (Blue Journal) (2020)
Transpulmonary pressure-guided lung-protective ventilation improves pulmonary mechanics and oxygenation among obese subjects on mechanical ventilation. (Respiratory Care) (2021)
Airway and Transpulmonary Driving Pressure by End-Inspiratory Holds During Pressure Support Ventilation (Respiratory Care) (2023)
Fundamental concepts and the latest evidence for esophageal pressure monitoring (J Intensive Care) (2023)